Men’s League
Men’s league
League Description
The Men’s League is a golf league that plays on Wednesdays from March 5th – October 29th with the option to play 9 or 18 holes. Play is conducted from the white or red tees (70+) based on which division the player selects on the application.
2 Separate Divisions – White Tees OR Red Tees (must be 70+). During online registration, player will choose which division he will be playing in and will continue to play from that division all season; including club championship.
League Dues*
Membership Fees | $30.00 |
GHIN Handicap Fees (optional but suggested) | $38.00 |
Hole-In-One Club (optional) | $10.00 |
Membership Fees – $30.00
Your membership fees include; membership to the Men’s League, ability to book tee times 7 days in advance for Wednesdays or bid on Premium Season Long Tee Times (see tee time section), enter into the weekly games, Men’s League Championship and any other Men’s League Events.
GHIN Handicap Fees (Optional but highly suggested) – $38.00
GHIN handicaps must be purchased through Central Links due to changes they have made within their organization. The GHIN Handicap is used for weekly Men’s League events and the League Championship. Players will post their own scores into GHIN after the completion of their round. The World Golf Handicap System recommends scores to be entered hole-by-hole and handicap will update every day.
Click here to purchase GHIN Handicap.
Hole-In-One Club (Optional) – $10.00
Any Men’s League member(s) who scores an ace during any Men’s League event, including tournaments, will split the pot at the end of the year; providing that golfer has paid the HIO fee before the ace has been recorded.
The following rules will apply.
- The hole-in-one must be attested by at least one other Men’s League member playing with the acer.
- The ace must have occurred during the weekly events or league tournaments.
- Ace must have occurred on 1st tee shot attempt. (No mulligan’s or redo’s)
- The hole-in-one must be a completed 9 or 18-hole round done in hole order based on scheduled starting hole.
- The official scorecard must be turned into the golf shop with players names, all signatures, and date immediately after the designated round for review.
- Members must pay the fee each year if they wish to participate before hole-in-one occurs.
If a HIO is not recorded in the season, the pot will roll over to the next year HIO Club. A total of $0.00 carried over to 2025 season due to one HIO in the 2024 season.
Important Notes For 2025
- Men’s League registration will be completed online ONLY. Click here or go to then go the tab under Golf Course ~ Leagues ~ Men’s League.
- All players must purchase their GHIN online due to changes with Kansas Golf Association (Central Links). This is due to the fact that your GHIN Handicap will be valid 1 year from the day you sign up. So everyone could have a different expiration date. This will also allow you to setup a renewal reminder along with an auto renew so you will never be without your handicap. com/handicap-sign-up/ (under Golf Course tab ~ Handicap sign-up)
- Premium Season Long Tee Times: Men’s Club members will have the option to book the premium season long tee times through an online auction. For more information on the premium season long tee times see the Tee Times Section (below).
- 7-day in advance online booking starting at 6:00am. (See Tee Time Section for more info).
- There are NO discounts for being in the Men’s League.
Tee Times
The league is an all-day league allowing club members to book tee times throughout the entire day. Men’s League members will now have 4 options for booking tee times for Wednesday league play.
- 7-days in advance online booking starting at 6:00am at – “Book Online”.
- 7-days in advance by calling or visiting the pro shop during regular business hours.
- Winning a Premium Season Long Tee Time during the open auction times. Click Here
- Purchasing any remaining Premium Season Long Tee Times after the auction has been completed.
Premium Season Long Tee Times
There will be an auction for Men’s League members who would like to book a premium season long tee time from April-October. In order to win the bid on the tee time auction, the bidder must be an active paid Men’s League member for the current season. How Auto Bid works: Enter the maximum bid amount you are willing to spend for this item. If you are outbid at any time, we will place the next minimum bid on your behalf.
Example: The current bid is $10 and minimum bid increment is $5. If you’re willing to pay $50 for the item, place a bid for $50. Only $15 ($10+$5) minimum bid will be used for your first bid. If next bidder out-bids you by placing a bid of $20 ($15 +$5), the software will automatically place the next bid on your behalf for $25 ($20+$5). This will continue until your maximum amount is lower than the next minimum bid.
The auction starts, January 14th at 5:00pm. The auction ends, March 19th at 8:00pm.
Tee Times will be reserved for consecutive Wednesdays from April-August (Peak Season start time) and September-October (Fall Season start time). The Fall tee time will be 40 minutes later then the Peak Season tee time due to the sunrise time, unless you choose a tee time 4 pm or later.
To access Premium Season Long Tee Time auction – click here
Premium Season Long Tee Time Rules
- Up to four (4) squeeze tee times are available for NEW MEMBERS ONLY at a cost of $50. The time(s) chosen will be be at the disgression of the Head Professional.
- The tee time is valid for up to 5 golfers.
- The group who wins the tee time will be responsible for calling and canceling the tee time when the tee time is not being used. If 2 or more no-shows occur during the season without a 24-hour cancellation notice, the group may lose the remaining reserved Men’s League tee times for the season.
- The group who wins the tee time will be responsible for calling and adjusting the tee time size if the group is smaller than the reserved tee time. If tee time constantly shows up with fewer golfers than reserved, the group may lose the remaining reserved Men’s Leauge tee times for the season or the golf course may adjust the reserved tee time size for the remainder of the season.
- The golf course reserves the right to add golfers to your tee time when space is available.
- The money raised from the online auction will be added to the Men’s Leauge Championship.
For groups that missed the Men’s League tee time auction and/or didn’t win the tee time they bid on, will still have the option to purchase a premium reserved tee time if available for the remainder of the Men’s League season. The fee to reserve a premium season long tee time for the remaining open tee times on Wednesday’s Men’s League will be $50 per tee time.
For Men’s Leaague members that didn’t get a premium reserved tee time, the remaining open tee times will be available to book 7-days in advance online at 6:00am, over the phone or in person each week.
Any remaining open tee times on Wednesday’s not booked by Men’s League members will be open to the public 4-days in advance.
Golfers new to the Men’s League who need help finding a group or meeting new people should see Patrick Shaw, PGA Head Professional. You are always welcome to come out and try and find a group to play with.
Check in for Weekly Play
Members must first check-in at pro shop counter to pay appropriate daily fees (i.e. green fees and cart fees). At this time players will have the option to sign up at the league box for the $3 weekly event. Players who choose to play in the weekly event must specify which 9-holes they plan to compete on before teeing off (This cannot be changed once play has begun). If you play 18-holes you can pick both front-9 and back-9 and pay $6.
Weekly Events
Weekly events will mostly be Stroke Play competitions. Flighting of events will be determined by the number of Men’s League members who enter the event within their division. Pay $3 for one nine or $6 to play both nines and checking the necessary boxes.
Each Division (white tee & red tee) will be broken down into flights and places based on the number of players competing in the weekly game. The payouts will be the same in each flight within their Division.
To view weekly results visit Men’s League Member Portal
All golf shop credits earned from league play events must be spent on golf shop merchandise by December 31, 2025. Credits may be spent at any Shawnee County operated golf shop.
Important Men’s League Dates
March 5th First Day of Play
March 19th Course Closed for Aeration of Greens (weather pending)
April 2nd Premium Online Tee Times Start
Aug. 2nd Club Championship @ 8:30am Shotgun
Aug. 3rd Club Championship @ 8:30am Shotgun
Sept. 3rd Course Closed for Aeration of Greens (weather pending)
Sept. 10th Premium Online Tee Times change to Fall Time Start
Oct. 29th Last League Play Day
Oct. 29th Premium Online Tee Times End
Men’s League Championship
This is a two day stroke play event where every skill level of golfer can compete against fellow golfer for gift cards, trophies and bragging rights. Divisions will be evenly broken into flights based on number of players and handicaps. Payouts will be distributed amongst each division and flight. A separate and optional skins game will also be played each day.
Dates: Stroke Play: Saturday, August 2nd & Sunday, August 3rd
Time: Round 1: Saturday, Shotgun Start @ 8:30am
Round 2: Sunday, Shotgun Start @ 8:30am
Format: Individual Stroke Play (Flighted within Divisions)
Skins Game (optional daily): Within divisions & flights.
Pairings: Saturday – TBD
Sunday – TBD
Flights: Determined by Handicap before Round 1 of the League Championship.
Eligibility: Join Men’s Leagueby July 31, 2025 to participate.
Entry Fee: $5 Entry Fee + Green Fees & Carts paid each day by participant. Annual Passes are valid.
Prizes: Awards will be handed out following Sunday’s round.
(785) 251-6840